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Respekt in English19. 3. 20075 minut

Záviš of Brussels

Unlike in other more developed countries, not even local officials in the Czech Republic know how to solve the puzzle – which is why there are so many specialists who know (or pretend to know) how to access EU money.


Another treasure chest of almost CZK 800 billion European Union funds is open to Czechs and is expected to pave another region's journey toward civilization. But it is almost impossible for a layman to find his way through the complicated maze of bureaucratic rules to get to the money from Brussels. Unlike in other more developed countries, not even local officials in the Czech Republic know how to solve the puzzle – which is why there are so many specialists who know (or pretend to know) how to access EU money. There is a growing interest in their services despite their expense.

It didn't work


Jiří Hanuš has been running the restaurant Na Růžku in Hluboká nad Vltavou for 10 years. He is preparing a big celebration for 1 July when he will open a hotel on the main square of the southern Bohemian town named after the nobelman Záviš z Falkenštejna, who legend says was executed here. Hanuš first used his savings and took a loan before he learned that there were EU funds allocated to promote the travel industry, particularly hotel reconstruction and construction. Hanuš knows how to pour beer but he had no idea how to transfer money from Brussels to his bank account.

Nonetheless he received almost CZK 4 million in EU funds. To do this he approached the České Budějovice-based company G-project, which sells its ability to provide the European money. „It is the only solution a normal person has,“ Hanuš said. He tried to access the money on…

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