Young Czechs disillusioned by politics
The emotions that the current governmental crisis evokes for me and my generation are mostly very negative. We are disenchanted, we are losing some of our illusions, some of our securities. All this, however, does not necessarily have to be bad for us.
The emotions that the current governmental crisis evokes for me and my generation are mostly very negative. We are disenchanted, we are losing some of our illusions, some of our securities. All this, however, does not necessarily have to be bad for us. At least not as long as we are capable of abandoning personal sympathies and antipathies and we manage to rationally analyse the situation and maybe learn a lesson for the future.
We are a generation that does not remember anything from the times of the communist totalitarianism; we feel to be Europeans (this does not mean we don't feel to be Czechs as well), and despite a well-developed social perception, we support a great deal of freedom connected with a great deal of responsibility. And it is unnecessary to interest ourselves too deeply in politics to see rather clear political preferences. Thus, for us, the current (outgoing) government was the best or at least the least bad of the possible solutions. To see how the current turn is perceived all you need to do is visit Facebook and read the statuses of my contemporaries. Many of them are quite outspoken in the way they comment, more or less funnily, on the behaviour of the opposition and the coalition MPs that sank the government. I quite understand them, even though, I personally try to keep a certain decorum. We expect what is to come with a certain worry. We suffer from Havel's "bad mood…
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