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Respekt in English31. 10. 20076 minut

Will it be a long night for Prague?

Tens of demonstrators closely watched by cordons of heavy armoured policemen, but also members of Jewish organisations, Boy Scouts, and a "live chain" of Czech politicians – all of them could meet on 10 November on the narrow streets of the Prague Jewish Quarter.

Autor fotografie: Bartoš Günter • Autor: Respekt
Autor fotografie: Bartoš Günter
Autor fotografie: Bartoš Günter • Autor: Respekt

Tens of demonstrators closely watched by cordons of heavy armoured policemen, but also members of Jewish organisations, Boy Scouts, and a „live chain“ of Czech politicians – all of them could meet on 10 November on the narrow streets of the Prague Jewish Quarter. And behind the big clash that could take place is a seemingly harmless event: a protest of 20 activists against the presence of Czech troops in Iraq. The fact is that much more is going on. Observers speak of the greatest neo-Nazi provocation in the history of the independent Czech state – with official approval. So who are those who caused the whole fuss – either as organisers of the event or as judges delivering the final approval – and what do they have to say about their successful deed?


There's nobody down here

At the Prague address of Novákových Street 59, listeded by the Ministry of the Interior as the residence of the Young National Democrats (Mladí Národní demokraté), any search for a hint about an association challenging public opinion ends in vain. „There is no association here, just flats,“ the tenants say unanimously. Not even in the neighbouring shops have they heard about the young democrats. So a website welcoming a visitor with a portrayal of a child covered with blood in front of the flag of Israel is the only lead to a cryptic organisation. However, apart from…

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