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Respekt in English15. 6. 20075 minut

Rule of the majority will return to you, the people

A regular reader of political polls could easily get the feeling he is reading a year-old newspaper by accident. Even now, in spring 2007, an election would end in the magic result 100-100, according to the STEM agency. The right and left wings still appear to be absolutely even. It raises a question: To what extent have politicians and officials begun working on a new election law to avoid future political stalemates? The answer is surprising: The new norm is actually being created, if under the motto "no hurry."


A regular reader of political polls could easily get the feeling he is reading a year-old newspaper by accident. Even now, in spring 2007, an election would end in the magic result 100–100, according to the STEM agency. The right and left wings still appear to be absolutely even. It raises a question: To what extent have politicians and officials begun working on a new election law to avoid future political stalemates? The answer is surprising: The new norm is actually being created, if under the motto „no hurry.“

ODS turns


The politicians were unable to agree on almost anything after last June's election, but they were united on one thing: Flaws in the election law were to blame for the left-right stalemate. As a result, there were plenty of proposals to change the law, and Topolánek's cabinet included this promise in its programme. Then nothing happened for several months.

„We had more time-sensitive things to take care of,“ explains Minister Džamila Stehlíková (Green). „We were occupied by troubles over forming a cabinet, and then we got absorbed by reform.“ Labour and Social Affairs Minister Petr Nečas (ODS) has a similar view. „It was not at the top of our agenda. We have been dealing with more important problems,“ Nečas says. Even the opposition stayed silent for a long time. „Submitting changes is up to the current cabinet,“ ČSSD Vice-Chair Milan Urban says. „We will react to their proposals.“

However, the Interior…

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