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Respekt in English25. 4. 20083 minuty

Damn immunity

Most members of the Senate's committee for immunity recommended to prevent the prosecution of Senator Liana Janáčková for her remarks on the Roma community.

  • Autor: Respekt
• Autor: Respekt

Most members of the Senate's committee for immunity recommended to prevent the prosecution of Senator Liana Janáčková for her remarks on the Roma community. It is most probable that the whole upper house will vote similarly on the issue. We could take it as another proof that offensive remarks aimed at the Roma are becoming an accepted standard in the country. But even more alarming is the fact that lawmakers have adopted the right to interfere with the police and judiciary powers under the banner of immunity.


In this case, the police want the prosecution of the senator and mayor of an Ostrava district for statements she made two years ago during a meeting of the city's housing committee. At the public meeting with citizens, she talked about high-voltage wires, dynamite and shooting the Roma, she said she was sorry the Roma had not been deported to Canada, and she admitted being a racist. A recording secretly made by one of the participants was later handed over to a local political rival who gave it to the media.

The immunity committee's senators supported their decision not to allow Janáčková's prosecution with remarkable arguments. They came to the conclusion that she had not committed a crime. Moreover, she had done many good things for the Roma in the past. And the worst thing is she has fallen victim to political struggle.

So let's make a step-by-step summary. In democratic countries,…

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