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Respekt in English10. 12. 20073 minuty

Čunek’s pie-crust promises

There's one thing you can't deny Jiří Čunek – aside from politics he also leaves his mark in linguistics.

  • Autor: Respekt
• Autor: Respekt

There's one thing you can't deny Jiří Čunek – aside from politics he also leaves his mark in linguistics. Coming from his mouth, a word like „promise“ or the expression „skeleton in the closet“ takes on a whole new meaning.


Let’s take „promise“ for example. When Supreme State Attorney Renata Vesecká announced two weeks ago that she is definitively stopping proceedings against Čunek for suspicion of corruption, the KDU-ČSL chairman declared he would make the decision's text public. „I no longer have anything to hide,“ Čunek said at the time, and promised to put the ruling up on the internet. It was a hopeful message – after months of the case's details leaking out from anonymous sources we were finally going to find out what the charges were based on, and why exactly Jihlava state prosecutor Arif Salichov stopped the proceedings, who was interrogated and what new evidence he uncovered when the case came back to him, and why in the end Vesecká backed him up.

What a surprise it was then, when the daily Právo quoted Čunek's lawyer Eduard Bruna Thursday as saying that his client „explicitly gave orders that I not make the ruling public and that I not let it out of my hands.“„He told me that he himself doesn't want to release it either, but that he's still considering it,“ Bruna said.

But when one flips through a two…

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